Now that we are entering summer and you are trying to figure out what clothes need to be tossed, I’m here to help you declutter your closet!
We are about to touch every item in our wardrobes!
–-Remember your forgotten old shirt could be someones new favorite item—
These are the things to let go of:
1.If you wouldn’t buy it today
If a piece no longer fits your lifestyle and aesthetic, its time to donate it.
You can donate, give it to a friend, upcycle or resell the item.
2. It’s uncomfortable to wear
This makes me think of Marie Kondo and her method of “does it spark joy?”
If a piece of clothing is too tight, too loose, has loose straps, tight straps or does not make you feel confident when you go out it is ~DONATE TIME~!
3. You haven’t worn it in the past 6-8 months
These clothes are doing nothing but collecting dust. At this point, it is time to let it go.
Maybe you have no where to wear the item or it’s seasonal but it obviously no longer fits your lifestyle…
4. Old Trends
Sometimes we want to hold on soooo tightly to clothes that are outdated.
It is time to update our wardobes for summer though!
So toss those old patterned shirts, old colors, and old trends.
Happy cleaning! It feels so amazing getting rid of the old clothes and decluttering.
Embrace grace with joy,